Monday, 2 September 2013

OCD Cocktail Tasting

OCD is a very new and exciting venue, that specialise in stunning food and astonishing cocktails. We were recently approached by them to do the label designs for an event that we thought was a great idea!

They approached a number of twitter influentials - some being Nicki Dadic, Joanne Lurie, Thulane, David Dadic, Mike Sharman, and 6 others - and custom designed a cocktail for each twitter influential, judged by their likes, interests and tweets.

Here are our label designs:

Here are some of the photos taken of the event and cocktails:

Le Petit Hibou - Cocktail Event Leave Behind
(Photo by: Nicki Dadic)

Kiwi, Mint and Pink Peppercorn Cocktail
(Photo by: Nicki Dadic)

Who's Your Dadic - Cocktail Event Leave Behind
(Photo by: David Dadic)

01000111 01110101 01110010 01110101 - Cocktail Leave Behind
(Photo by: Melissa Attree)

The Naked Mexican - Cocktail Leave Behind
(Photo by: Mike Sharman)

(Photo by: Nicki Dadic)


Monday, 1 July 2013

The Counter - Let's Make Dreams Come True

Hi All,

A few weekends ago we had the delicious privilege of being invited to The Counters food tasting for their new menu. There aren't many words that can describe just how mouth-watering each bite was, and they seemed to get better and better as the day went on.
Salmon and dill burger with chunky coleslaw, guacamole and homemade chilli mayo
Creamy wild mushrooms with soft poached egg with rocket 
The Favourite
Handmade beef burger with mozzarella, crisp bacon and handmade chilli pesto 
Truffle Oil and Parmesan Fries

Now, you may ask where you can fill your belly with this yummy goodness? Well, that's where you come in!

The Counter, a small company we've had the pleasure of growing with, are in the process of raising the funds to open their deli - serving their goodies at the Market on Main every Sunday and now they've opened up a campaign on IndieGogo to speed up the process, where you can help make their dreams come true.

Donate what you can here, and remember that any donation makes a difference, no matter how big or small. The Counter are appreciative of any support!


Friday, 8 March 2013

Happy Birthday Jen!

Hi All,

We've been so busy lately that we've barely had time to think about what to wear each morning, let alone find something to post about to keep you all entertained!

But, we've found a little something to share with you!

It was Jen's birthday on the 27th of Feb, and because it's so difficult to get international orders delivered on time, I realised I had to make another plan fast. So I did something she always appreciates.

Here's a look at the illustration I did for her as a gift, it's of her little noo, Riley with her silly face on.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!


Monday, 11 February 2013

Little Lamb

Hi All,

Here's a peek at an illustration I did for a close friend, whose best friend has a bambino on the way with a sweetly themed lamb room. 

The illustration is A4 in size, and I worked with water colour pencils and fine liners.

Wishing the soon to be parents a magical and memorable few years of upcoming babyhood!


Friday, 1 February 2013


Well hello there February! So amped that January has been given the boot, and we only have to force ourselves through it again in another year. Good riddance.

On a lighter note, here is some work that we did at the end of last year for Croft&Co in Parkview. An awesome little coffee shop in the process of a transformation, that Jen and I are going to be involved in over the next few months. We really couldn't be more excited to help build this quirky brand and work with these more than fun people! Below you'll see the start of a great relationship, just four illustrations, that helped open the door to more exciting things to come.

We were recently there for our monthly meeting/ business meeting/ coffee break/ catch up and decided to include you on a part (only the start) of our adventure with Croft&Co.

I probably should have included pictures of what we ate there, but as soon as it hit the table I was on that like white on rice.

Drop by for one of the best cappuccinos you'll ever have and some good eats! You'll be going there every day after that. 66 Tyrone Avenue, Parkview.
