Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Build It Green

Hi all! As Jen and I are pretty much green freaks, this project is one we are particularly proud of.

Build It Green called us in at the eleventh hour to design a print ad for their new campaign, to be featured in the April issue of Entrepreneur Magazine. The campaign "The BIG Impact Week" is a challenge to South African companies and individuals to implement impactful changes to their personal and professional lives.

Build It Green is on a quest to catalyse environmental change for a greener future, providing various offerings that focus on architecture, construction, lifestyle and sustainability. Committing to building a more sustainable planet, they advise on how to conserve energy, save time and money.
Pretty great if you ask us! 

So, find out more about BIG at www.builditgreen.co.za/ and buy the April issue to find out more about the campaign and get yourselves involved!


Monday, 2 April 2012

The Kerning Game

So, these were pretty cool. Mostly because it gave Jen and myself a small but long awaited ego boost after a very tedious and character testing week, of which we will be able to blog about soon. 
But this should keep you entertained in the meantime. 

The games are at the bottom of the page.

Do it, tweet it, Facebook it and leave us your scores in the comment box. We'd like to give praise where it's due or laugh at you and thank you for improving our week thus far.
Unless you're a designer and you fail. 
Because that would just be embarrassing.
